The 5 Minute Trick To Reduce Abandons

It’s 2018 and cart abandonment continues to plague store owners, with an average rate of 75.6%. You have to do something about it.

Our team at PushFlew has collaborated the best and the easiest trick to get you the dream 40% conversion rate with your abandoned carts…

How Abandoned Cart Push Campaign functions

  1. Your clients add something to their cart and then usually forget to complete the order..
  2. They get the principal Abandoned Push update in 20 minutes.
  3. In the event that they haven’t finished their checkout, you send the second Abandoned Push in 12 hours.
  4. On the off chance that despite everything they haven’t returned to finish their buy, you send the third Abandoned Push as a last update.

Automatically Stop Sending Messages

At the point when clients finish their buy amidst your Abandoned Cart crusades, PushFlew stops all pushes to keep away from superfluous messages. It automatically realizes whenever a user completes their order, at whatever point and accordingly stops sending them any further abandoned campaign messages.

Pre-built Abandoned Push Campaign for the best results

These 3 push notifications will re-engage your cart abandoners and make them come back to complete their purchase.

NOTE: This push campaign is sent to cart abandoners and checkout abandoners as well. If the customers are subscribed, no matter which stage they are in, you’ll send the abandoned pushes.

If you believe that the pre-built templates are a great fit for your store, you’re all set! All you need to do is turn on the push messages.

Try different text in your pushes

There are great generic templates for you. However, in some cases, you might need a different approach to get the most out of your abandoned carts.

Give discount

Giving discount is the most common way for boosting your conversion rate in abandoned cart campaigns. Just like with email, the coupon code you put in the push messages will incentivize more abandoners for completing their purchase.

Set up a discount code on your Shopify Admin and paste the code in your third push message.

Why the third?

Usually, we see cart abandoners coming back from the first two messages without any discount. And it’s completely reasonable.

Don’t forget: they are hot leads. They had the intention to buy something from you. Something might have distracted them, or they could have been in hurry, so they abandoned their cart. We use the first two pushes as reminders, and add the coupon code in the third.

The 5-minute trick schedule

We use this schedule, and this is also the default in PushFlew:

  1. Abandoned Push – 1 hour after abandonment
  2. Abandoned Push – 12 hours after abandonment
  3. Abandoned Push – 48 hours after abandonment

You can change this schedule easily in Abandoned Cart Push Campaign editor, but please make sure that it’s not scheduled for the same time as your emails.

If your emails and pushes work together, you can send 5-6 reminders without annoying your customers.

Questions? We’re here to help you sell more. If you have any questions or you feel that your campaigns could perform better, just let us know and we’re happy to help you.