RIP – Goes bankrupt – 6 Lessons to learn, Canada based online shoe retailer has closed its operations and filed for bankruptcy. I, being a huge fan of vertical ecommerce marketplaces and have always stood up for companies like Its sudden shutdown got me into thinking what possibly went wrong and probable lessons to learn for niche marketplaces and associated brands.

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7 Best Shopify Plugins to Boost Your Store Sales

In this article, “Priyanka Jhamnani” shares how you can generate more traffic and boost your sales with some powerful plugins that can act as a magic potion for your website. Our Shopify website development services have got you covered. So, let’s make your Shopify online store a success together!

Plugins are powerful tools used by ecommerce sites for additional functionalities within your e stores. They are typically designed to provide value to your customers and enhance their overall shopping experience.

Let’s take a quick look at the top 7 plugins that you can integrate with your Shopify store, in order to generate more traffic and increase sales.

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5 Ways AI will Influence Ecommerce in 2020

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has taken the world by storm over the last several years. Chances are, you have experienced the changes AI have brought to the ecommerce world. Over time, machine learning is becoming more beneficial to business operations and customer service experiences.

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14 Ways to Reduce Product Development Costs in Your Startup

Editor’s note: It’s not easy for startups to survive the first few months. From running out of cash, weak business model to incompetent team, and legal issues, they have to face several challenges. One of them, which is no less important than others, is product development. Startups often fail to cut costs in quest to … Read more

10 Ways Nonprofits Can Use Tableau Analytics To Improve Their Bottom Line

Tableau Analytics is a software that nonprofit organizations can use to better understand their data and improve their bottom line.

With its help they can improve their fundraising efforts, create more successful events and campaigns, and learn how to have a greater impact on the world.

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How Progressive Web Apps are Killing Responsive Websites

The digital age has made smartphones, the unanimous choice for internet browsing, primarily for its on-the-go accessibility and ease-of-use. Where the websites lacked, apps were created to provide richer experiences to the users. And ever since then, the need to satisfy the dynamic user expectations online, continued to grow.

Progressive Website App or PWA was initially proposed by Google in 2015, with an idea to provide a native like experience to the users visiting a website.

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AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud vs Rackspace: Which Is The Best Cloud Provider

Choosing a cloud provider for your business can be extremely difficult and important decision. It hugely affect how well and smoothly your website and applications run. As well as how much you’re expected to pay for the luxury of using it. Of course, there isn’t an all-fit-all solution all there. However, there are four big … Read more