Modernisation of Le Chocolatier Fine Handmade Chocolates Website: A Seamless WooCommerce to Shopify Migration




UX Design, CMS Migration, Management, Ecommerce Development, Ecommerce Migration


Le Chocolatier Fine Handmade Chocolates, a renowned chocolate company, hired EbizON to migrate their website from WordPress to Shopify, recommending an engaging design and template, and migrating over 300 products from their previous website to the new one.


The company sought to upgrade their online presence, improve their website’s capabilities, and enhance their customers’ experience. They required a seamless migration process, ensuring minimal disruption to their business operations.


EbizON was selected due to their competitive pricing, good value for cost, and referral from a trusted source. The company assigned 6-10 employees to the project, who worked closely with Le Chocolatier’s team to deliver the desired outcomes.

Scope of Work

The scope of work included:

  • Migrating the website from WordPress to Shopify
  • Migrating over 300 products from the previous website to the new one
  • Recommending an engaging Shopify website design and template
  • Designing and creating an engaging website with improved capabilities

Facing a Challenge?

Results & Feedback

The project has been well-managed, with the EbizON team demonstrating promptness, professionalism, and diligence. The company has been impressed with the team’s efficiency and the tools at their disposal. The project is on track to be completed by August, with all deliverables met on time.


The primary form of communication was virtual meetings, with email and messaging apps used as secondary channels.

Unique Selling Point

Le Chocolatier was impressed with EbizON’s professionalism, efficiency, and the tools at their disposal. The weekly calls and Basecamp platform helped keep the project on track and ensured seamless communication.

Area for Improvement

While the project has been fantastic, Le Chocolatier suggested that EbizON could improve by conducting a more in-depth analysis of the previous website to ensure a complete transfer of all aspects and to communicate any potential issues or solutions.


EbizON was selected due to their competitive pricing, good value for cost, and referral from a trusted source. The company assigned 6-10 employees to the project, who worked closely with Le Chocolatier’s team to deliver the desired outcomes.


Le Chocolatier Fine Handmade Chocolates has had a positive experience with EbizON, achieving their goals and objectives through a well-managed and efficient project. The company’s professionalism, efficiency, and tools have impressed Le Chocolatier, and they are likely to recommend EbizON to other businesses seeking similar services.

Client’s Feedback

We’re impressed with their professionalism, efficiency, and the tools at their disposal. The weekly calls help to keep the project within scope and need, and Basecamp makes it easy to communicate further and share assets.

Ariel Marmor
Creative Director
Le Chocolatier of Florida

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