Case Study: How this US-based Dental Website Quadrupled its Organic traffic in 4 months flat

Editor’s note: Only the best SEO company can guarantee you organic traffic & sales. This is because it follows the best SEO practices which is extremely vital for a great SEO experience. Following unhealthy practices might give you visibility at first, but it doesn’t come without the dangers of search engine penalties. Read this case study of a dental business to find out what goes into the making of a successful SEO campaign.

What was the challenge?

Our client is a U.S. based Dentist aggregator.

With the huge spike in smartphone and internet penetration, online healthcare has grown by leaps and bounds in the last few years. This has triggered a huge competition in the global healthcare market.

Our client was facing a tough competition with its traffic down by almost half in the last 4 months.

The client approached us to help arrest this slide and get the traffic back up.

SEO Benchmarking

We started with benchmarking the key SEO parameters so to have a baseline that can be compared with the subsequent month’s data. The baseline was taken in July 2019.

Steps taken for Optimizing SEO –

1) On-Page SEO –

We worked on the following activities for fixing On-Page website issues.

(i) Content –

The content of the website plays the most important part in helping the website rank in the top search results. For improving the content, we did the following things from SEO perspective –

– Created a Testimonial section with top comments/feedback from the patients

– Made an FAQ page comprising of answers to frequently asked queries of the customers/patients.

– Created a section with details of partner/clients dentists

(ii) Title tag –

Title tags are displayed on a search engine results page (SERPs) as the clickable headline for a given result. They are important from SEO perspective.

We followed the following steps to optimize the meta titles –

Kept the title length under 70 characters and less than 600 pixels in size. It allowed titles to show up in full on top of each page.

Created a unique title for each webpage which helped search engines understand that the content was unique and valuable, driving higher click-through rates.

(Arrow pointing to the title tag )

(iii) Meta description –

Meta descriptions are displayed in SERPs underneath the title of the page. They describe what the page is about.

We optimized the meta descriptions by including the most relevant information for the visitors. We kept the descriptions below 165 characters that helped avoid the truncation of meta descriptions in SERPs.

(iv) Keyword optimization –

We created a list of 1000+ keywords that our client’s site was ranking on. Then we identified the keywords which were having a high volume, low competition, and high conversion rate.

We finalized 16 keywords, went ahead and optimized them using backlinks with these keywords as the anchor text. (text with a clickable link)

Before keyword optimization, there was only 1 keyword(among the 16 keywords finalized) which was ranking in the top 5 Google search results. This increased to 11 keywords post-optimization.

The table below describes the KW position before and after the SEO.

(v) Created sitemaps –

We also created sitemaps on the website making it easy for search engines to find site pages. Notably, Google ranks web pages and not websites. Sitemaps are submitted to Google via search console Sitemaps tool.

Flowchart showing how sitemap looks like –

2) Off-Page SEO –

The following steps were taken for Off-Page SEO optimization –

  • Link building –
    At the heart of off-page SEO is building quality backlinks. Search engines use backlinks as an indication of the site’s quality. Multiple high-quality backlinks help websites rank better on important, relevant keywords, as well as improve organic traffic.
  • We got 30 contextual backlinks during these four months through guest posting on websites having a similar niche and high quality.
  • Social media – We created social media accounts on various platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram where we posted regular updates and content.

Updates included testimonials from patients, interviews with dentists, informative articles on dental diseases, treatments, etc. All these activities helped drive significant traffic on the website.

A brief snapshot of activities undertook for On-page and Off-Page SEO

Final Results

We saw the following improvement –

  • Total monthly traffic increased by more than 4 times.
  • The total number of organic ranking keywords almost doubled.
  • The organic impressions on the website increased by more than 6 times.
  • The total number of keywords ranking within the top 3 Google search results also doubled

See what the table and graph looked like between July and November

Report as drawn in Jan 2020