Flavourhood Tours Website Revamped by EbizON: Enhanced Design, Functionality, and User Experience




UX Design, CMS Migration, Automation Testing, Management, Website Development, Ecommerce Development


Flavourhood Tours, a food tour company based in Melbourne, is owned and operated by a dedicated entrepreneur. The company offers unique food tours that explore the culinary highlights of the city, providing an immersive experience for both locals and visitors.


Flavourhood Tours needed to update its website to reflect recent changes in its tour offerings. The company had added new tours and removed others, necessitating updates to its sales pages, associated menu bars, and the home page. The objective was to ensure that all necessary information was presented in a clear and user-friendly format.


EbizON was brought on board to handle these critical updates. The owner of Flavourhood Tours found EbizON through a referral and chose them for their proven expertise. A team of 2-5 employees from EbizON was assigned to the project, with the primary focus on revamping the website’s sales pages according to a detailed outline provided by the client. The team was also responsible for updating the menu bars and ensuring the home page reflected the new changes.

Scope of Work

EbizON was tasked with the following:

  • Updating the sales pages to reflect new and modified tours.
  • Ensuring the design and layout of the sales pages matched the client’s specifications.
  • Updating the menu bars to correspond with the changes made to the tours.
  • Editing the home page to reflect these updates.

The client provided specific guidelines on how the updated pages should look and the plugins that should be used.

Facing a Challenge?

Results & Feedback

The project was a success, with Flavourhood Tours’ website now including all necessary information in the exact format specified by the client. The website accurately reflected the company’s current offerings, allowing users to easily browse and book tours.

Project Management

EbizON’s use of Basecamp was instrumental in the project’s success. The platform was used to create, track, and edit tasks, ensuring efficient project management. The team was responsive and quick to act on the client’s needs, although there was occasional back-and-forth that could have been streamlined.


The primary forms of communication between Flavourhood Tours and EbizON were through email and a messaging app. These channels allowed for clear communication, and the client appreciated the prompt responses from the team.

Unique Selling Point

What impressed Flavourhood Tours the most was EbizON’s professionalism and their helpful guidance throughout the project. The team was able to clarify tasks and offer support on elements the client did not fully understand, demonstrating both expertise and a commitment to customer satisfaction.

Area for Improvement

The only area for improvement noted by the client was the occasional repetition and back-and-forth communication, which sometimes caused minor delays. A more streamlined process in this regard would enhance efficiency.


EbizON successfully updated Flavourhood Tours’ website, meeting all the outlined objectives. Their ability to manage the project efficiently, respond quickly to the client’s needs, and provide professional guidance made them a valuable partner in this project.

Client’s Feedback

“Working with EbizON has been a great experience. They were incredibly helpful in guiding me through tasks I didn’t fully understand, always professional and responsive. Thanks to their efforts, our website now includes all the necessary information in the exact format we needed. I’m truly impressed with their professionalism and dedication.”

Raffaela Ceddia
Owner, Flavourhood Tours

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