Cities contribute significantly to the growth of any country’s economy. At present, Indian cities contribute to 60% of the country’s gross domestic product. Due to the swift urban sprawl and transformation of cities into economic hubs, India is facing the challenge of urgent development of urban infrastructure such as housing, office spaces, mobility, and energy generation and distribution.

Beep India is working towards green building and promoting their programs, approach to all other parts of country through conducting seminars, Workshops in different cities and aware industry stakeholders (construction engineers, architects, builders, developers etc.)

To reach more people effectively & group interaction Beep India ask Ebizon to implement  additional features for Group Management, Event Management, User experience, Content Management workflows, Analytics and Technical maintenance of the site.


Group Management
•  Ebizon need to ensure that moderation of open and closed groups were properly working.
•  Setting up periodic notifications for monthly, weekly and daily digest to private and public group members

Event Management
•  Adding up presenter/resource-person details in event-related sections.
•  Send notification of a new event’s details to external persons by email

•  Flagging of group content as spam, with a process where two or three members could notify the moderator or administrator


Main highlights of this solution :

  1. Ebizon Implement comments function in group which works globally. Therefore if settings are changed to make comments moderated It affects comments globally in all groups. For managing these we have created a role of moderator for each group who have had the access to moderate the comments of that group.
  2. We create a custom developed module to put group content notifications in mail queue for users to set the time interval for the notifications like daily, weekly, monthly.
  3. We have created a set of pre-defined fields in the events from which presenter name, Bio and image could be added when an event had created. We displayed the detail of the presenter or resource person in a block  to be displayed in the events.
  4. We also implemented their design competition which is an open competition for architectures, building designers, researchers etc. to submit their innovative designs. After this competition winners would be announced with their design architecture and sharing views.